Home | Features | Pools | 7 Elegant Modern Pool Designs
If you’re tired of the extremely hot summer and need to relax and cool down with calming and aesthetic surroundings, some eye catchy modern, designed pools would be perfect for you. Besides enjoying the cool water, you can also have the best comfort and a beautiful ambiance by customizing the pool surroundings with the most unique and striking ideas.
The right kind of pool will not only give you comfort and calmness but also make your place very well defined and beautiful. There is an ample number of pool designs, but We’ve enlisted the top 7 modern-day pool designs that are worth considering and investing on:
Plunge pools, also known as splash pools, are very small pools found in the backyard of the house, occupying significantly less space. These pools are perfect for you if you want to cool off for a bit after a long, tiring day. They require less space and very low maintenance. They are very small and are more useful for relaxing or cooling down than swimming or diving. This is the pool worth considering and even investing in for houses built with the modern structure, which usually have small backyards.
As the name suggests, it is a pool that is above the ground, made with aluminum and steel walls. The surroundings can be customized according to your wish. You can surround it with a deck, lighting, plants, or anything you like. The above-ground pools are easily installed, low maintenance, durable, and very affordable, however, you will need steps to walk in and out of the pool. They can be placed in your home backyard for a seasonal family fun time.
Unlike in-ground pools, they have no part of them in the ground, and you can give it a classy, fun, or cool look. However, you like.
You can give your pool a new light, a new mood, a new feeling, and a new scene just by changing the lighting. These pools look beautiful and comforting after sundown and are best suited for night swimming. These provide a wonderful and cozy ambiance for you to relax and swim even at midnight by the illuminating lights. They provide comfort, serenity, beauty, and amazing visual effects. You can install the lights which match your mood. Calming, party-like, warming, whatever fits the occasion and your mood.
The zero-edge pool or infinity pool is a beautifully designed one. The water in it flows over the edges, making it seem like a pool with no edges. Hence, the name infinity pool. It creates a striking visual effect that makes it irresistible to enter the pool. These kinds of pools make the place look very well defined and the most beautiful. They may be costly, but worth the money. Investing in these is no doubt a smart choice.
Enjoy the pool fun without even stepping out of your place. For those who love to stay indoors, this is the right kind of pool, a pool built on the rooftop of your house and can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home. You can freely relax in your home pool without the fear of sunburn or being tanned from the sun’s rays.
You can customize everything however you desire. It is one of the best pool designs and worth the try and money.
The balcony view and a calming pool can be enjoyed together with soft, cold winds and under the beautiful sky. The floating pool design can be built in an extending corner of the terrace, making the balcony look uniquely beautiful. It feels very soothing to enjoy the beautiful city view and the water.
You can give your floating balcony an even better look by decorating the surroundings with lights, plants, or anything you like. You can make your balcony the most unique and striking of all. These floating balcony pools are usually found in big apartments only. They might be a bit expensive, but surely worth the cost.
The black bottom pools are perfect for those who find their true comfort in the dark theme. These pools consist of black vinyl liner or tiles. It has a very soothing effect. The black color of the pool also helps in absorbing the sun’s rays, making the temperature of the water increase. The warm water and the black color of the pool together give a different level of comfort and are very calming. You can also customize everything according to the pool’s dark theme, making the surroundings look elegant and classy.
In conclusion, the pools listed above are some of the best pool designs and are worth spending your money on. But there are indeed a great number of beautifully striking designs like the typical ones (rectangle, round, or oval), the kidney, geometric-shaped ones, pools with a deck, and many more. Selecting the right pool for you is a task. It depends on the place, atmosphere, and space of that particular area you’re planning to put your pool in. Thus, going through these modern pool designs will definitely help.
The kidney-shaped pool, pool with a view, grassy surroundings, geometric pools, etc., are some of the most famous and beautiful designs nowadays. They give a fascinating effect and provide a sense of comfort to the eyes. They offer a defined look to the house and are one of the most striking. These pools are definitely worth investing in.
For the in-ground, above-ground, or any kind of pool, the saltwater system is the better option as it is more kind or gentle to the skin, hair, or eyes. It makes the pool water skin friendly and desirable or irresistible to stay away from or enter. Even your pets are safe and free to swim in these pools.
A chlorinated pool is full of harsh chemicals that are not skin- and pet-friendly and can cause harm to them.
An inflatable pool might be too heavy for a balcony. Although it looks pretty light, it can become unbearably heavy for the balcony when filled with water. Thus, it is not at all recommended to put an inflatable pool on your balcony.
Feature Photo Credit: John Fornander
Optical Illusions – Mosaic Tile Seascapes
Alise Everton has been working in the pool industry for the past decade and is an experienced press correspondent and contributor for numerous trade publications and web portals including PoolMagazine.com and PoolContractor.com among others. Contact her for guest posting opportunities, press releases, and pool equipment related news.
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One of the great things we love about mosaic tile in luxury swimming pools is the artistic versatility of the material. It’s a notoriously difficult medium to work with, but artisans are able to design incredibly sophisticated optical illusions in the pool with tile mosaics.
Designing an artistic mosaic that utilizes the entire canvas of the swimming pool takes real skill. The elites of the industry are adept at using tile as their preferred medium to paint a portrait that tells a story. One industry-recognized tile artisan who has mastered the ability to do just that is Ray Corral of Mosaicist, Inc. The Miami-based firm has built a reputation for designing stunning mosaic tile pool interiors.
Collaborating with high-end builders and designers like Brian Van Bower and Ryan Hughes, Corral is used to working on luxury custom pools that require his particular skillset. His ability to create transcendent designs that draw you into the pool interior is undeniable.
Creating optical illusions in the pool is something that’s second nature for Corral. “I’ve come to realize that a lot of the simple things we do grab attention and people are just taken back by it. We take it for granted because we’ve done so many designs. Sometimes what we think is amazing because of the complexity, people don’t always understand and appreciate,” said Corral.
While most of the mosaic tile interiors Corral designs these days are for modern geometric-shaped pools, he still does a fair amount of freeform pool interiors. In South Florida, mosaic seascapes are popular and Corral caters to that clientele looking to turn their pool interior into a tropical lagoon.
This particular project showcases Corral’s abilities at creating optical illusions with mosaic tile. From the intricate waves in the sand to the ocean scene inside the pool, creating those types of visual effects is definitely something that not every tile firm can easily master.
“When we look at the sand it looks real,” said Corral, “These clients wanted a realistic environment. They have tropical landscaping, bridges, landscaping inside the pool that just creates this type of oasis. They want to look outside their window and see coral reefs, fish, and aquatic animals,” he explained.
“There are folks that are close to the ocean, or the ocean is in their hearts, or they’re into diving, whatever the case may be. A lot of these people want scenery in their pool and we just to try to create them something realistic,” said Corral.
“When we put a design together we take into account that the reality of that fact is that most of the time the homeowner will be looking at the pool and not necessarily swimming in it. We take into consideration how the design looks from the second floor, first floor and when you enter the pool,” Corral explained.
“We also take into account the depth of the pool and the transition from the shallow end to the deep end,” said Corral. It’s in the planning and design of the elements that will comprise the entire scene, that he spends an inordinate amount of time going over with customers who want a pool interior of this nature.
“Many times homeowners are looking through our Instagram or our website or the books we have in our office to help them pick out elements to add to their swimming pool,” said Corral.
Designing the client’s ideal tropical fantasy in mosaic tile can be difficult on freeform style pools. Corral indicated that the shape of these pools is extremely difficult to work with and requires a certain level of planning and dexterity to properly execute. It seems to be old hat for him though. Planning an all-mosaic tile beach entry pool that transforms into a tropical lagoon in this fashion is something his firm Mosacist, Inc. does at least several times a year.
“What’s difficult is on these designs is that the closer that you get to the walls, the more attention to detail you need to have. It’s very easy for a designer to do a circle and have that manufactured somewhere else, but it’s difficult to design a concept that hugs the walls this way and have it come out well.”
Designing gorgeous seascape mosaics for the pool isn’t Corral’s only wheelhouse. He showed us other breathtaking examples including a mosaic tile aquarium he installed for one of his customers From the 3D rendering to the real-world product, it’s incredible the amount of detail that’s involved to achieve these types of optical illusions.
To plan, design, and install all of the unique elements that will comprise a total scene, you can easily see how many individual mosaics are required to create effects of this nature. It’s an old world artisan skill and one that Corral has honed over his years in the tile industry.
A post shared by Mosaicist Inc (@mosaicist)
“We’re always looking for that one client that wants us to do something we’ve never tried before,” said Corral, “We get excited when clients allow us to do something different. It gives our portfolio diversity and keeps us at the top of the industry.”
Listen to our entire conversation with Ray Corral of Mosaicist, Inc.
Spring has sprung and that means it’s time to start thinking about opening your pool for the season. It’s also the ideal time to evaluate how your swimming pool’s interior is holding up. If you notice cracks, tearing, or separation occurring – it may be time to consider a vinyl liner replacement.
Choosing to replace your swimming pool’s liner provides an excellent opportunity to upgrade to a new pattern or thickness. During this timeframe, it’s advisable to consult with a pool contractor that can make recommendations on which liner brand to choose.
It makes sense that a thicker pool liner is able to withstand more impact. There are a wide variety of thick puncture-resistant liners on the market for homeowners to consider when replacing their liner.
Most swimming pool vinyl liners offer approximately 5-10 years of usage before they start to become faded or begin to deteriorate. Simple environmental stress coupled with the routine wear and tear of seasonal use can accelerate this process quicker in some areas of the country. Taking precautions to protect your swimming pool in the off-season with a pool cover, will certainly help prolong the life of your vinyl pool liner.
Each year when you open your swimming pool, you should be checking for signs that your vinyl liner has successfully survived another winter. There are basically 6 surefire indications that your vinyl liner is on its way out.
These days, the average shelf life of a vinyl pool liner is much shorter than in years past. “Vinyl pool liners used to last between 20 to 30 years in the average pool. Virtually everyone got more than 10 or 12 years even if you were terrible with your maintenance and water chemistry. The days of seeing this kind of longevity from a 30 mil inground pool liner are gone,” said Steven Goodale in an article he wrote on this very subject.
These days, you’re lucky to see 7-10 years of life out of a liner on the high-end, but the reality is probably going to be closer to 5 years before it starts to look really aged.
A major problem that homeowners encounter with their vinyl pool liner has to do with mother nature and chemically treating their swimming pool. The Sun’s UV rays along with the harsh chemicals used to sanitize the water itself can cause a liner to fade over time.
There are other factors that can cause a vinyl liner to deteriorate quicker than expected. Chlorine is corrosive and can effectively bleach your pool liner. Failing to manage the pH can also cause the water to become acidic enough to chemically siphon the very plasticizers that keep your vinyl liner pliable.
“Over more time, a liner in a low pH ‘acid bath’ will become brittle, fade in color and eventually begin to literally fall apart,” said Arnold in his article – 5 Ways to Destroy a Vinyl Pool Liner
One of the biggest problems that vinyl liner pool owners tend to encounter is their liner slipping out of the coping track. This is caused very simply by the liner losing its elasticity with age and use. While there are ways to put a vinyl liner back on its track, this is a sign to look for when evaluating whether or not to replace your liner altogether.
If you notice signs your vinyl liner needs replacement, the best advice is to schedule an estimate with a pool contractor that specializes in vinyl liner swimming pools. Once they’re able to ascertain that the liner truly does need to be replaced, they can place an order for a replacement.
Last season it was very difficult for consumers to get their hands on vinyl liners in a timely fashion. Many orders were delayed for months due to a wide variety of logistical delays and manufacturing shortages. This year, many of the same conditions prevail so it’s advisable that consumers get their orders in as early in the season as they can. Doing so will ensure their liner can be scheduled for installation as quickly as possible.
“As far as construction costs are concerned, vinyl liner pools are certainly the more economic option when compared to high-end materials like gunite pools.” said San Diego Pool Builder – Bar Zakheim, “However, replacing your pool’s vinyl liner still has a pretty hefty price tag associated with it. While this is an anticipated cost for vinyl liner pool owners, it still remains one of the main drawbacks of building a vinyl liner pool. It’s definitely something I warn folks about ahead of time if they are considering buying a vinyl liner pool.”
When considering replacing your swimming pool’s vinyl liner, the time to act is before summer begins. Once the summer starts it becomes extremely difficult to get your liner as manufacturers are often backlogged with existing orders to fulfill.
Ordering your liner in the off-season is the best advice to ensure that your pool is swim-ready with a new liner installed in time for the upcoming swim season. If you’re trying to get your hands on the perfect vinyl liner, you may want to check the resource list of pool liner manufacturers below.
Swimming pool company Tara Manufacturing in AL is a leading provider of vinyl swimming pool liners and winter pool safety covers for inground swimming pools.
Known for Safety Pool Covers strong and tough enough to support an elephant. Loop-Loc also makes a wide range of luxury pool liners.
Merlin Industries is a premier manufacturer of vinyl liners, safety covers, spa covers, steps, and safety fences.
A leading manufacturer of pool liners and cover products. Dover Vinyl Products has been manufacturing vinyl liners in the USA since 1971.
Garrett Liners is the longest-established vinyl swimming pool liner manufacturer in the world and a leading manufacturer of inground and above-ground liners as well as safety covers.
Since 1987 Precision Vinyl Corp has manufactured custom made 20 ml. vinyl pool liners, and a wide range of other vinyl products.
A Latham Pools brand, GLI Pool Products’ core offerings are inground and above-ground pool vinyl liners as well as custom pool safety covers.
Cardinal Liners has been making liners for 47 years, with a staff that has a combined 150 years of experience. Cardinal Systems, Inc. welcomed Pen Fabricators into the Cardinal family a number of years back.
McEwen Industries offers one of the finest selections of inground and above-ground vinyl liner patterns in the swimming pool industry. The company also manufactures an exclusive line of pool safety covers.
Pocono Pools Products specializes in manufacturing inground and above-ground pool liners. The firm has been manufacturing quality vinyl liners since 1981.
Founded in 1971, Swimline is one of the nation’s largest manufacturers of inground and above-ground pool liners as well as pool safety covers.
Based in Paterson, NJ – Kayden Manufacturing, Inc. is a family-owned business and manufacturer of pool liners and pool bladders.
Pegasus Products is a family-run business based in Branchburg, NJ and a manufacturer of inground and above ground pool liners and pool safety covers.
The most well-known manufacturer of inground and above-ground vinyl pool liners and safety covers, Latham Pools has a number of brands including CoverLogix, CoverStar, GLI Pool Products, Kafko Pool Products, Plastimayd and others.
Featured Photo Credit: Inyo Pools
This year, National Pool Opening Day is April 30th and marks the official first day of the swim season across the country. Of course, not everyone opens their pool on the last Saturday of April. Many pools in the northeast will remain closed for a few more weeks. This weekend, however, is the ideal time to stock up on pool chemicals, supplies, or equipment for the summer season! From coast to coast homeowners are opening up their swimming pools and it’s an important time for pool companies as well.
Pool openings mark a critical point in the operational success of swimming pools. Failing to follow the right steps can cause costly damage. It is absolutely vital that homeowners in particular pay close attention to following the correct procedure when opening their inground or above-ground pool.
National Pool Opening Day comes on the last Saturday of April each year. Annually the day is celebrated to encourage pool owners to get their swimming pools ready for summer. The day itself was actually started back in 2016 by Leslie’s Pool Supply as a way to acknowledge the first swim day of the summer and get people thinking about cleaning their swimming pool.
We want to ensure that you start your swim season off the right way, here are some great resources you can use for making certain you open your pool correctly.
Swim University is a robust knowledge base and video tutorial library that teaches homeowners the basics of proper pool care and maintenance. Aside from taking an entertaining approach to education, host Matt Giovanisci provides practical and straightforward tips and hints. You’ll find all of the basic information one would need to learn about opening a swimming pool on SwimUniversity.com
Leslie’s Pool Supplies has everything you’ll need in terms of chemicals and maintenance equipment. They can also provide great advice in-store about any products you’ll need for opening your swimming pool. With over 950 stores around the country, it isn’t very hard to find a Leslie’s near you. In fact, if you bring them a water sample from your pool, they’ll tell you exactly what chemicals you need to purchase in order to balance your water chemistry. An important resource for homeowners, and a great way to get exactly what you need for opening your pool correctly.
If you have concerns or any misgivings about how to open your swimming pool yourself, the best advice is to hire a professional pool contractor. With over 35,000 vetted pool service technicians in their directory, they provide a comprehensive list of pool builders and pool service companies around the nation. Whether you need to open your swimming pool, or have basic repairs or upgrades that need to be made; you’re sure to find a top-notch service provider in their directory.
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