Regarding “Early estimate suggests repairing La Jolla Children’s Pool seawall would cost $2.3 million” (July 28, La Jolla Light):
The current seawall should be left in an arrested decay status, as it is no longer a “Children’s Pool” as envisioned by Ellen Browning Scripps in 1931.
An engineering study costing $11,258 said that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as many more costly repairs are needed. If it is decided to proceed with the repairs, how about renaming the beach, since children swimming and using the beach now is out of the question?
I might suggest “Seal Beach,” but since that name is currently used by a city to the north, another name comes to mind: “Stinky Beach.”
The La Jolla feasibility study to repair the seawall of the Children’s Pool has already cost us more than $11,000, and the repair, not including the stairs and retaining wall, will be more than $2 million.
There isn’t any Children’s Pool. When was the last time anyone saw children playing in the pool? The pool now is for seals only.
I think we can find better use of our money elsewhere. The wall is not a priority, and the seals, if the wall springs leaks, will find another coastal area to ruin, as they did the pool. Remember, this wall was built for kids.
I have been studying the efforts by the La Jolla Shores Association and other uninformed community groups to permanently close Avenida de la Playa without any kind of plan.
This street is the main gateway to The Shores and the beaches. There is no reason to keep it closed. Three more new restaurants just opened on the open street. One does not need the biggest real estate grab in La Jolla history to make a profit.
We have more than 3 million visitors to our beach area. Please, all take a look at this precious street -- the access to the beach and its view corridor. All beach-goers and residents are surrounded by a unique and beautiful beach community called La Jolla Shores.
Everyone should read and follow the La Jolla Community Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan.
The dedicated citizens of La Jolla of 2014 never envisioned restaurants permanently closing off streets and access to our beaches. The plan talks a lot about beauty, view corridors and public access for all visitors and La Jollans. We have a history of good, solid planning.
My family and I came to The Shores early in the morning so we could see the water and enjoy family time.
A guy showed up later and set up what amounts to a beachside 7-Eleven, blocking our view and overwhelming us with the smell of propane and smoke from cooking. He was set up on the boardwalk. What assurances does the public have that the food was properly prepared? What recourse does the public have if someone gets sick?
Wouldn’t it make more sense for the city to build a snack bar to assure the food is healthy and safe? The city could generate some revenue to defray park maintenance. They could lease out the snack booth on a yearly basis.
In regard to the recent article about the trash collection (“Will San Diego voters end free trash pickup for single-family homes? A lot depends on the campaigns,” Aug. 4, La Jolla Light):
My concern is that they are asking us to approve this measure, only to take two years to figure out how much it is going to cost each resident. I feel we have the right to know how much it is going to cost us before we vote on it. Otherwise, we are giving them free rein to charge us whatever they want.
I don’t like going into deals blindly. The city should do their homework before presenting this bill.
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