The quality of the light you buy will determine how long they can last even with the best care.PHOTO/
The type of lighting and materials they are made from will determine the form of maintenance but generally cleaning once a month will add longevity to your fixtures.
Because exterior lights are exposed to the elements day and night, they require extra care to enable them withstand weather elements.
They also accumulate dirt, debris, cobwebs and mold over time so may need to be cleaned regularly.
Allan Mutyaba, an electrician says the type of lighting and materials they are made from will determine the form of maintenance but generally cleaning once a month will add longevity to your fixtures.
“If you are cleaning electricity powered light fixtures, start by switching off the circuit breakers to prevent getting shocked when you use a damp cloth to wipe it. Prepare a bucket large enough to submerge the globe or cover with warm water and dish soap. A small amount of white vinegar will help. Unscrew the globe, guard, or grill and use a rag dipped in the soapy water to wipe down the parts of the fixture that cannot be soaked. Do not drip water into the electrical sockets, and rinse well. Wipe the screws and the bulb clean. Rinse and dry the globe and re-assemble,” he guides.
Once you have finished, switch the circuit breaker back to the on position and switch the light on.
Mutyaba recommends waxing the wooden parts or polishing the metallic parts of the fixtures to protect them from weather elements and keep them looking perfect.
Cleaning solar light fixtures requires almost similar steps.
“You will require a soft brush to your toolkit for the tough grime. Solar fixtures should get a quick wipe down once a month,” he says. To clean the globe or light cover, Mutyaba recommends a small amount of toothpaste or automobile headlight restorer.
To remove dirt buildup from solar panels, wipe with a damp cloth to remove once a monthly. Even though your lighting fixtures might be outside, you can still protect them from elements.
One of the best ways to keep your outdoor lighting safe is to install them in places where they have a form of protection. For instance, you can place security lights under eaves or other extensions that will keep off rain and harsh sunlight, which cause plastic fixtures to expand and crack.
Mutyaba also recommends buying fixtures that are weatherproofed or buy shields to protect the system that are out in the open. The small, clear boxes fit over the fixtures and seal them to make sure no moisture can penetrate through to the bulb or the light fitting.
Lastly, the quality of the light you buy will determine how long they can last even with the best care. A regular lightbulb might work just fine on your porch when there is no rain but when moisture creeps in, you could run into trouble.
According to there are specific lights that are rated for the outdoors. Usually, these lights will have something such as ‘‘suitable for wet locations,’’ ‘‘weather resistant,’’ or ‘‘weatherproof’’ written somewhere on their packaging. When purchasing outdoor lights, be smart and ensure the lights you buy are made for harsher weather conditions.
If you are interested in installing outdoor lighting or are concerned that your outdoor light fixtures may have been damaged by the elements, call a professional electrician to check them out to make sure that they are operating safely and correctly, and replace any that have been damaged. They can also offer suggestions or upgrades to better protect them from the wet weather.
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