Mysterious Red Glow over Atlantic: The pilot who spotted the mysterious red glow in Atlantic couldn't believe what he saw. He said that he hasn't seen anything like that before.
Mysterious Red Glow over Atlantic: A mysterious red glow was spotted over the Atlantic Ocean by a pilot, that has sent the Internet into a tizzy without dozens of theories including comparison to the Stranger Things underwater portal.
The pilot who spotted the mysterious red glow in Atlantic couldn't believe what he saw. He said that he saw red glowing spots in the sky above the Atlantic ocean. He said that he hasn't seen anything like that before.
The mysterious red light over Atlantic was seen and photographed by pilot Dustin Maggard from a cockpit 31,000 feet over the ocean. He said that they had no idea what they were looking at and were making jokes about being in the middle of some sort of military exercise or some sort of alien invasion.
Video footage of a mysterious red glow over the Atlantic Ocean
The most popular theory of the mysterious red glow over the Atlantic is that it is the gateway to the Stranger Things underwater portal to the upside down, the parallel world. If you have seen Stranger Things then you will notice a similarity between the mysterious red spots on Atlantic ocean and the Stranger Things upside down portal. The red glowing spots look like the top view of Upside Down.
Some netizens even wondered whether the mysterious red glow over the Atlantic is a rare phenomenon.
Some users also gave theories like it could be a visual of undersea volcano erupting or even a UFO.
According to one logical explanation, the mysterious red spots on Atlantic ocean were most likely caused by a fishing vessel using red led lights to draw schools of saury fish. Fishing boats often use large panels of LED lights to attract saury fish.
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